Lemonade Day Teaches Manchester Students Business Skills

Lemonade Day Teaches Manchester Students Business Skills Main Photo

30 Jan 2024

“The Manchester (TN) Chamber of Commerce is proud to host Lemonade Day, which is designed to prepare students for entrepreneurship. Manchester is the second community in Tennessee to host this global youth entrepreneurship program. This incredible event is sponsored by local businesses with the intent to teach fourth-grade students about business ownership skills,” stated Katy Riddle, the Executive Director of the Greater Manchester Economic Development Board (GMED).

Manchester’s Lemonade Day: Students Learn Entrepreneurship Skills

Manchester students in fourth-grade are encouraged to sign up to participate. Students are taught how to create a business plan, market products, and determine how much to charge per cup of lemonade to make a profit. Teachers work with the students through a program workbook and generate discussions and idea sessions. Click here to learn more about Lemonade Day and how it is helping students learn vital business skills today!